Tristis est anima mea yeardate of composition yd of comp. This was a lesson the young francis poulenc took to heart and observed throughout his career. Four motets for lent season temps penitence by francis. Collegiums recording offers an extensive selection of poulenc s sacred choral music with the gloria as centrepiece. Francis poulenc was born and bred a catholic but lapsed. In 20, globe reissued this cd of poulenc s a cappella sacred choral music with its companion cd of the secular pieces. Jan 30, 2021 the warmth and joy of the christmas season imbues these attra. This study included only the music of francis poulenc because a he is a major twentieth century composer, b his contribution to vocal music is large, and c his music has a personal quality that is unmistakably twentieth century.
In the various motets, the music responds to the composers studies of bach, monteverdi, palestrina and gabrieli, but is always stylistically progressive. Also available as a studio master quality download at. The punchy attack of the trebles in the mass is quite alien to the english cathedral tradition to which the choir belonged but entirely appropriate for stravinsky. Advertising banners and popups will appear when you visit it. Prominently featured are poulenc s distinctive and often ingenious chord progressions. Poulenc robert shaw festival singers, robert shaw mass in. The third, videntes stellam, transports us to the serene, starlit.
He wrote them on latin texts for penitence, scored for four unaccompanied voices. The disc in fact closes with two further motets, these being salve regina and exultate deo, anthems for general use that represent poulenc at his most overt the rhythmic and harmonic energies of exultate deo in particular will leave you feeling as breathless as the choir, in all probability. In the quatre poemes, one commentator has found the veiled nostalgia, the tongueincheek irony, the semipopular tone that mark the best of poulenc s settings of this poet. Download file pdf o magnum mysterium from quatre motets pour le. Find 214 francis poulenc pieces from leading publishers on the greatest digital sheet music library. Choir midi learning files poulenc christmas motets. Choral sheet music book by francis poulenc 18991963. May 16, 2020 the warmth and joy of the christmas season imbues these attra. Written on a request by poulenc s relative who was a franciscan friar. But perhaps the real interest in this disc lies in the more unfamiliar motets. The rundfunkchor berlin performs these motets in a clean, clear fashion even if you dont understand the words they sing, the. Among poulenc s last series of major works is a series of works for wind instruments and piano. Both were recorded in the late 1990s by the netherlands chamber choir under the great swedish conductor and choral trainer eric ericson.
Shop and buy four motets for lent season temps penitence sheet music. If you would like to prevent popups you may obtain a free version popup stopper at. Following the deeply expressive o magnum mysterium the final three pieces abound with infectious festive. That is, he uses the music to illustrate the actions of the words as well as the underlying emotions. One would agree with the first and last of these attributes, but over irony one has to be cautious, since poulenc specifically directs that languille should be sung. Poulenc composed this work for the monastery choir at champfleury, where one of his greatnephews was a monk. This particular coupling was first issued in 1991 but has long been unavailable.
Schmidt provides for each known composition, which includes unfinished, unpublished and lost works, a detailed history of composition and performance, and lists manuscripts and publications. Enjoy an unrivalled sheet music experience for ipadsheet music viewer, score library and music store all in one app. Written on a request by poulenc s relative who was a franciscan friar, the work was premiered by the monks of champfleury. The use of these midi tracks does not violate laws. Poulenc four motets for christmas altoalto 1 divageek. O magnum mysterium from quatre motets pour le temps. For alto 2 part, click here this page is for listenin.
Imslp does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country. Exultate deo poulenc pdf in, midway between the lenten motets and figure humaine, poulenc composed exultate deo. Also available as a studio master quality download a. He was particularly fond of woodwinds, and planned a set of sonatas for all of them, yet only lived to complete four. Salabert o magnum mysterium from quatre motets pour le.
A generous selection of poulencs wonderful and varied liturgical works has been recorded here by westminster. Canterbury cathedral 1988 allan wicks from an audio cassette entitled francis poulenc a celebration, recorded in canterbury cathedral in 1988 but not issued until 1992. It responds suitably to its jubilant text, and features a rare. A generous selection of poulencs wonderful and varied liturgical works has. Schmidt provides for each known composition, which includes unfinished, unpublished and lost works, a detailed history of composition and performance, and lists. Access this edition published by salabert and 110,000 other scores on the nkoda app. The mass in g major is one of the most important a cappella works of the twentieth century, and includes some of poulenc s most beautiful and. This page is for listening to your part in either instrument or piano.
The first, o magnum mysterium, captures the awe and mystery of the birth of jesus, and praises the virgin mary with a hushed reverence. It responds suitably to its jubilant text, and features a exultafe case for poulenc of. Poulenc robert shaw festival singers, robert shaw mass. A catalogue, abbreviated fp, is a chronological catalogue of francis poulenc s works which was published by carl b.
Poulenc s choral music is a deep expression both of his faith and of his unique musical language. Poulenc motets download free sheet music and scores scorser. The lenten motets and figure humaine, poulenc composed salve regina. Download free o magnum mysterium from quatre motets pour le temps. Hodie christus natus est yeardate of composition yd of. The second, quem vidistis, asks the shepherds, whom did you see. This was allan wicks very last recording with the choir.
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